Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Hi guys, just started this blog, whether you just want to be healthy or want to achieve a certain body shape hopefully there will be something here for you.

So far I have done 2 sections:

1)Section 1 explains some terms, calculations, and shows how knowing your body fat etc is very important for general health, and especially if you want to lose weight or have a certain look.

2)Section 2 goes more into certain diets, and explains how workouts should differ to achieve certain results.

Also I would like for you guys to comment on whatever you want, maybe you would like something explaining I have already mentioned, or perhaps you would like a new section. If you want something specific to a section comment on that page please, for new additions or separate comments simply comment on this post and I will try to respond asap.

I do intend to eventually add an area for certain diseases and conditions and perhaps a section for explaining some of the things regarding diet and nutrients in more depth.


  1. Follow this blog to receive notifications of updates.

  2. A very indepth blog with information that would be very usefull for beginers. I particularly like the section on bluking up and tonning.

    In my personal experience I found that tonning is a compromise between bulking up and having a 'defined look'. If the person is willing to compromise on thier size a very lean look can be achieved with relatively little effort. Personally I used pure protien shakes to build muscle (90plus is a very good one). The benifit of a protien shake compared to carbohydrate suppliments is that protien is only used to build muscle and is not converted to fat which might get stored. The down side however is that the bulking up process is slower as the protien shake only helps build up muscle mass when you are doing weight training. It varies from person to person but I found that within the span of 4-5 months I had considerably improved my muscle mass where I was happy to focus on toning myself. It was by no means a mayweather look but that is the compromise which in my opinion delivers excellent results for beginers and those results motivate you to carry on.

    When taking this approach you don't necessarily have to have four monthly cycles. Whether you build up muscle mass or enhance definition i.e. tone up depends not only on nutrition but also on the excercise regimen. As a general rule in weight training doing 8-10 reps per set with the heaviest weights you can safely lift improves muscle mass and power whereas doing 15-18 reps with lower weights burns fat and enhances definitions.

    I would appreciate your input as to what you think of this type of approach Valeed.

    -Bilal Saleem

  3. Your a genius mate genius.

  4. Theres not usually a massive difference in muscle between a toned and bulky guy, but usually genetics regarding bone density etc make it look a bit different, also people that are "Big" nearly always have fat on top of muscle, and so the muscle can be "squishy", whereas a tone person has low body fat and so firm muscle.

    One reason for the extra fat is they need a lot of energy to lift very heavy weights, and this often comes from carbs, fats and protein shakes and size gainers that are rich in carbs and fat.

    This is why they often need cycles of bulking and trimming fat. However if one was to simply use quality protein and creatine for energy and strength and avoid carbs and fat, they would get a leaner look, however it would take significantly longer because they don't consume the same amount of energy, and so can not lift as heavy weights in comparison.

    Regarding lower weights and higher reps, i disagree because fat is burned when calorie consumption is less than calorie expenditure, and the best way to maximize that is do activities that require the most amount of energy, such as weight lifting.

    By this rationale a person burns more fat by lifting heavy weights rather than lifting lighter weights and doing more reps, as they are actually stimulating the muscle less.

    However what the person doing lighter weights with more reps would achieve is, more muscle fibers suited to endurance, whereas the heavy lifter would build more strength fibers.

    I intend to add the different muscle fibers, and how to train them soon in another section :D

  5. And Terry I take it you found it very useful. Feel free to query anything if you would like a deeper understanding.


  6. Thanks for all the help V appreciate it : ) x

  7. Congratulations on your new blog. I wish you immeasurable success with your blog.

    I like your topic choices you will be writing about. Anything to do with healthy living is always good and what I am all for.

    Looking forward to reading and interacting with you and your commentators.

    "If we all treat each other like we treat ourselves - what a wonderful place earth would be."
